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Media Relations

Media Relations2021-11-10T09:54:11-08:00

Media Relations


Media inquiries should be directed to the External Affairs Department. We can be reached Monday through Friday, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm at

Policies & Procedures

Tri-City Medical Center’s External Affairs Department will make every attempt to assist the media in obtaining requested information in a timely and efficient manner. The following procedures are part of national HIPAA guidelines and hospital policy and are intended to protect patient privacy.

To effectively facilitate media requests, Tri-City Medical Center has established the following guidelines:

  • Members of the media interested in conducting interviews, taking video, or taking photographs of staff, patients, or patients’ families must request and receive permission from a representative of the Tri-City Medical Center External Affairs Department.
  • Employees are not permitted to serve as spokespersons for the organization or to solicit media coverage without the approval of the Marketing and Communications Manager.
  • All media representatives must sign a Confidentiality Agreement, regarding appropriate and agreed upon use of photos and video.
  • All patients must sign a consent form before the media will be allowed to interview, photograph, or videotape. Patients are not permitted to invite media representatives to their rooms for interviews or photos without consent from the Marketing and Communications Manager.
  • News crews must remain outside of the main entrance until a member of the TCMC External Affairs or Security team can escort them into the facility. A member of the External Affairs team and/or security will accompany members of the media at all times while they are on Tri-City Medical Center property.
  • Marketing and Communications Manager will participate in all interviews arranged via conference call.
  • Procedure for Public Records Request (PRR)
  • Public Records Request Form

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