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Questions to Ask My OB

Tri-City Medical Services

Questions to Ask My OB2020-06-18T16:06:44-07:00
  • pregnancy and newborn care icon

Q&A: What to ask my OB?

Finding a doctor for yourself can sometimes be a scary task, but finding a doctor for you and your unborn child? That may seem impossible. However, meeting with and getting to know your obstetrician, OB for short, is a great way of alleviating any worries you may have about your pregnancy.

We’ve compiled a list of questions you should ask potential OBs and at the bottom of the page we have provided a questionnaire with additional topics you can print out.

These questions are only a starting point for you – whenever you have a question you want to add, jot it down in a notebook as they come up. You will be surprised to see how many questions you think up between visits to your OB, and even more surprised of how pregnancy affects your memory!

Here is a list of questions to get you started:

  • What is a healthy weight I should expect to gain? What rate should I gain the weight?
  • Am I at an increased risk for any certain complications during pregnancy?
  • What types of screenings will I need?
  • What is the best pregnancy diet I should follow? Anything I need to specifically include or avoid during pregnancy?
  • Do I need to take a prenatal vitamin? What about additional supplements?
  • How active should I be? What type of exercise is safest?
  • Are there any restrictions on sex? What is the best way of staying safe for both me and my child?
  • Can I still travel during pregnancy? Any restrictions on flying in an airplane?
  • Can I still use ________ (fill in the blank with a current activity of yours – paint my nails, drink coffee, etc.)? Are there any activities I need to avoid?
  • What types of medication do I need to avoid? Can I still take over-the-counter medication while pregnant?
  • What position is best to sleep during pregnancy?

OB/GYN Questionnaire

Download a FREE printable OB/GYN interview sheet.

Download Now

There are many additional questions that are bound to come up during your pregnancy, but getting your initial questions answered by your OB is your best option. Once you have established a relationship you will feel more comfortable to open up about issues you may experience.

And when you are in the process of selecting an obstetrician, take this printable OB/GYN interview sheet with you to help keep track of their answers and your feedback.

We here at Tri-City Medical Center are excited to hear about your pregnancy and if you would like any information about our newborn and childbirth classes, please contact us at 855.222.8262.